Zeta Chapter's Newest Brothers!
-Zeta Omicron-
386 Danilo Decena
387 Nolan Villamil
388 Russell Valera
389 Timmy Discar
390 Chris Chan
391 Manny Morales
392 Brandon Sung
This is the 3rd class to cross in Davis since Zeta Mus did in 09 and it felt like forever since I was in this position. Time really does fly.
Before crossing, I was working on my little bro's paddle in the backyard. You know I gotta put color on it!
First "break" with the neos. A big thanks to all the bros who were a part of the celebration.
Congratulations to my little bro: Russell Valera
[ from left-right: 291 Poline Chuon | 388 Russell Valera | 319 LJ Lualhati ]
Another great moment of the night was the reunion of my line brothers. It's been two years since we have all been together at the same time! It better not 2 more years for another reunion.
[left] XPO 388 | XPO 319 [right]
For more information on Chi Rho Omicron and its specific chapters feel free to visit:
XPO | Gamma Chapter | CSU East Bay
XPO | Delta Chapter | USF
XPO | Theta Chapter | CSU San Diego